
Since this is my first post, so...

Hello World!


hehe... Get it? It's a classic programmer joke.

Alrighty, no more lollygagging.


Here goes nothing.

Greetings ladies n' gentlemen , my name is Alex, and I'm just an ordinary student from information technology department of NTUB.

Well, where do we start with my self introduction...?

I'm 19 y/o now and still single, Wooo Hoooo~ FREEDOM! nah, not that free unless you're asking me out this weekend. Usually I loved to stay at home all day and night alone watching novel and relax with some jazz/swing music from YouTube.

I have a family with the size of four, parents and an older sister, we don't chat much, but at least we're living in harmony together.

Sometimes I'll watch a few anime for the leisure, not too much, just a few. Because getting more waifu will ruin your laifu.

But of course, No game no life!

on the scale of 0 to "All hail GabeN", how much of a gamer are you? my answer will be 200+ hours spent on skyrim. so that's basically my second life after school. Most of my English skill are learned from gaming and videos on Youtube, the only draw back of this kind of learning mechanism is lack of proper grammar skill, and messy vocabulary, other than that, I'm quite pleasing with what I've got from learning this way.

As a result of gaming too much, the p.e. are the Pain in the nEck, I'd be exhausted af every time there's a p.e lesson, but I'm getting better now, working out more and eat healthier than before, Welp, I guess That's what life is all about, right?

That's pretty much sums me all up, hopes you guys(please don't be triggered if you're a girl) enjoy this post as much as me, see you later alligators~


  1. Nice one lol
    I like the "getting more waifu will ruin your laifu." So bloody accurate.
    Hope to meet you in the class.

  2. Well, no game no about "no learning, no life" :-) But i'm glad you said you eat healthier and seem to manage your time better now.


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